Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru

National Assembly for Wales

Pwyllgor yr Economi, Seilwaith a Sgiliau

Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee

Caffael cyhoeddus yn yr economi sylfaenol

Procurement in the foundational economy


Ymateb gan LLIW Building Supplies

Evidence from LLIW Building Supplies

Public sector procurement in Wales consultation

As members of the Builders Merchant Federation (BMF) we fully endorse the submission made for and on behalf of Welsh members.

Furthermore, we hold long term dissatisfaction regarding the procurement process and framework agreements, which does not offer a level playing field to small regional SME builders merchants and feel the process does not consistently drive forward local economies.

According to The Welsh Assembly Government the Welsh economy is driven by SME’s. We employ 25 people and carry out our business within a confined geographical area, Neath Port Talbot CBC and The City and County of Swansea.

To secure business via the consortium requires providing a service across South Wales. As with most single- branch BMF members, we cannot undertake this commitment; fundamentally, the system appears to be stacked against small locally- based independent builder’s merchants in favour of larger independent and national merchants.

The income generated by this company stays in the local community. Our staff all live within Neath Port Talbot and The City and County of Swansea, we pay our business rates to Neath Port Talbot CBC, nevertheless, the system of supplying both authorities appears to disadvantage us.


Geraint LLewelyn